Dear District 30 community,
The October 26 Board of Education meeting included news that should make everyone in District 30 proud: Wescott, Willowbrook and Maple were all named as exemplary schools on the Illinois Report Card. This places our schools among the top 10 percent in the state, supported by data from the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR).
You can also click to see in the Board Brief highlights that Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment data shows District 30 students performing among the top 5 percent in the nation, affirming the wonderful learning happening in our schools. Explore the Board Brief to learn more about the exceptional story these numbers tell, as well as other key items that include recognizing our outstanding Maple Student Council members!
Even in high-achieving schools like ours, there is always room to grow. Throughout this school year, we have been gathering feedback from stakeholders, including a staff survey being conducted right now. The next opportunity to share your ideas and input is coming November 29 at noon or 6 p.m. during our second "Conversations with the Community." Registration is recommended and you can click here to join us.
Thank you,
Dr. Emily K. Tammaru
Superintendent of Schools