Explore the Vision Retreat
The District 30 Strategic Plan Team participated in a day-long Vision Retreat on Monday, March 18 to continue work on our Strategic Plan, "Dream, Believe, Achieve - Together in 30." The team reviewed community feedback on the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) Analysis, as well as homework assignments examining other school systems' strategic plan elements. The team then utilized this information to begin crafting ideal portraits of a District 30 learner, adult and school system. Materials from the meeting are linked below for our community to review. The next meeting of the Plan Team is a Setting Direction Retreat on Tuesday, April 16.
Vision Retreat Agenda
Vision Retreat Handouts
OECD Learning
Compass 2030
Austin Public Schools
Check out the Packer Profile
Look at the “Packer Profile Principles”
Watch the Youtube video
Look at Packer Core Values
Millard Public Schools
Look at the Strategic Plan
Check out the Vimeo
Nueva School
Read the Strategic Plan Framework and watch the video
Check out the Mission, Vision & Values
Please check back for the District 30 Portrait of a Learner, Portrait of an Adult and Portrait of a System