Explore the Setting Direction Retreat
The District 30 Strategic Plan Team participated in the group final, day-long "Setting Direction" retreat on Tuesday, April 16 to continue work on our Strategic Plan, "Dream, Believe, Achieve - Together in 30."
The team reviewed "portraits" of a District 30 student, adult and school system – characteristics that each one should demonstrate – as well as updated Mission, Vision and Values for our district. Additionally, the group crafted the district's strategic goals in the areas of Academic Growth and Achievement; Wellness; Family and Community Engagement; Finance and Facility Management and Invested Workforce, as well as strategies to achieve these goals.
Please see our Strategic Plan website for materials from this meeting and review the draft plan; a survey will be shared electronically in District 30 newsletters, on the website and social media after April 19. The next meeting of the Plan Team is a virtual Final Plan Review on Tuesday, May 7 and the Board of Education is scheduled to approve the final plan at its June regular meeting.
Setting Direction Retreat Agenda
Handout and Activities