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Strategic Planning 2024

Strategic Plan approved

The Board of Education unanimously approved the 2024-29 Strategic Plan, which was created throughout the 2024-25 academic year. The Strategic Plan team included more than 60 volunteer students, parents teachers and staff, community members – and every resident in the community was invited to be a part of the process and give input on their work along the way.

This plan outlines District 30's Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Goals, as well as characteristics that should be embodied by students; parents, teachers and adults who influence their growth, and the school system as a whole.

Click here to review the full Strategic Plan, and click below to learn more about the planning process from members of the Strategic Plan team. 

Strategic Plan presentation to Board of Education on May 16

On Thursday, May 16, Superintendent Dr. Emily K. Tammaru and members of the Strategic Plan team presented an overview of the plan to the Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 Board of Education. Click below or review the "Recommendations" tab to watch their discussion:

Review a recap of the May 7 Final Plan Team Meeting

Thank you to all who provided feedback last month on our draft Strategic Plan! Click here to learn details of the final actions of the Strategic Plan Team during the May 7 meeting, and learn next steps for the plan.

Give your feedback on our draft Strategic Plan through April 29!

Click here to review our draft Strategic Plan and share your opinions on its content through April 29. Please share this survey with your District 30 neighbors and friends, as we seek feedback from all of our community.

Explore details from April 16 Setting Direction Retreat

Click here or the Setting Direction Retreat tab at left to review a draft of the Strategic Plan, learn more about the agenda, handouts and excercies, and see a photo album from during the April 16 meeting.

Explore details from March 18 Vision Retreat

Click here or the Vision Retreat tab at left to learn more about the agenda, review presenations, see a photo album and more that happneed during the March 16 Vision Retreat.

Thank you for SWOT Analysis feedback

Thank you to all who took our SWOT Analysis Survey, which reviewed the latest step in the work to build our Strategic Plan, which will guide District 30 for the next five years. In the latest step, a team of students, parents, teachers, staff and community members created a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) for District 30 based on comprehensive data. We provieded an opportunity for your input on this analysis from Feb. 16 to March 1 to ensure it is fully informed by the thoughts and opinions of all stakeholders. Thank you for your time and thoughtful feedback!

Explore details from Feb. 2 Data Retreat

Click here or the Data Retreat tab at left to learn more about the agenda, review presenations, see a photo album and more that happneed during the Feb. 1 Data Retreat.

Explore details from Orientation meeting

Click here or the Orientation tab at left to learn more about the agenda, discussion and more that took place during Plan Team orientation on Jan. 16. 

Thanks to all who took our Community Survey!

All who live within District 30 were invited to take a community survey from January 10-19. You can learn about results in our Data Retreat tab in the "Retreat Overview and Perception Data" link!

Learn about our Strategic Plan Process

Explore below to learn more about how our Strategic Plan will come together, including will be involved, opportunities for your input and the goal of this work.