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Maple's Science Team To Compete in Argonnne's Electric Car Competition on April 23

Maple's Science Team To Compete in Argonnne's Electric Car Competition on April 23

Kudos to Maple School's eighth-grade science teacher Robin Dombeck and her Science Team for success and a media placement!

Last fall, Maple's Science Team with super coach Robin Dombeck was one of 16 teams to compete and succeed in the annual DOE Illinois Regional Middle School Science Bowl, sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory. Ms. Dombeck shared this article about Argonne National Laboratory and how it has expanded the potential of the Middle School Regional Science Bowl Competition with a virtual format.

She was quoted in the article, as saying, "Maple School in Northbrook, Illinois had its two teams win a third and fourth place at the Science Bowl this year, and the students are eager for Argonne’s upcoming Middle School Electric Car Competition."

"This is an opportunity for our academically talented students to compete and shine. The competitions create a strong science connection for students. They also provide activities for which students can excel and be recognized."

“The way Argonne can figure out innovative ways to still interact with kids and provide opportunities for them to share what they know is a gift," she concluded.

Everyone at District 30 wishes the Science Team "Good Luck!" as they compete in Argonne's virtual Middle School Electric Car Competition on Saturday, April 23. Each year, up to 20 middle school teams compete for the titles of fastest car and best design. Maple School always does extremely well!