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RULER School-Home Connection

As we continue on our RULER journey, we’d like to do that in partnership with you, District 30 parents and caregivers, starting in the 2024-25 school year. We will extend opportunities for parents and caregivers to learn more about RULER throughout the year via parent newsletters, curriculum nights, and other school activities. When schools and families partner around these goals, students feel supported and reap the benefits. We look forward to learning and growing together this year.

Monthly Themes
August Welcome To RULER
September Community Building
October Self and Social Awareness
November Emotions Matter:  Yellow Feeling Words
December Empathy and Belonging: The Charter
January Emotional Regulation and Personal Values:
Best Self and The Meta-Moment
February Emotions Matter:  Red Feeling Words
March Conflict Resolution
April Emotions Matter: Blue Feeling Words
May Emotions Matter: Green Feeling Words

Why does RULER matter? Students explain:

Plot emotions on the Mood Meter

Click here

Monthly Family Resources