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Emergency Procedures

Safety remains our highest priority, and we have comprehensive safety plans in place that remain coordinated with local authorities. In the event of a weather-related school closing or other emergency, parents can expect to receive an automated phone call, e-mail, and a text from District 30's Emergency Notification System. This system was tested on Saturday, August 27, at approximately 1:00 p.m. Please notify your school principal or visit the Forms section of the Parent Portal and choose the option that says “Update Contact Information for District Communications" if there are changes to your email address or phone numbers. Our safety procedures including but are not limited to: 

Conducting regular lockdown and safety drills
Working closely with the Glenview and Northbrook Police Departments & School Resource Officers
Continuous training with our staff
Evaluating and hardening our buildings and classrooms
Requiring all visitors to check with proper identification at the front office through secure entrances
Promoting a See Something Say Something culture
Remaining connected as a community and communicating any concerns about safety of an individual or that an individual generates for our community. There are many avenues available for help, including:

Contacting your school principal
Contacting the Northbrook or Glenview Police Departments
Anyone in distress – or anyone trying to help someone who is – can now call a simple three-digit number, 988, to speak with a trained counselor. Studies have shown that even a brief 10- to 15-minute conversation can result in a caller feeling less suicidal, less depressed, and less overwhelmed. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s existing 1-800-273-8255 number still works, but the service has received an update and will now be able to address more mental health concerns, as well as suicide crises. 
Students seeking emotional support can also text HOME to 741741, the Crisis Text Line, to reach a trained volunteer counselor.
Safe2Help Illinois also has 24/7 help available via a hotline (844-4-SAFEIL), a text line (72332), and email ( -- plus a website full of resources for young people seeking help for themselves or a friend. Safe2Help Illinois provides a confidential way for students to share safety concerns. Its Ways To Get Help page is a directory of specialized hotlines, and other sections of its website provide practical steps for dealing with depression or helping a distraught friend. The checklist called 20 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Feel Like Giving Up can help a teenager overcome a bout of anxiety or depression.  
Test-A-Tip is a resource that allows you to find anonymous, immediate help if you or a friend are struggling with depression, bullying, difficult family situations, drug or alcohol abuse 24/7 by connecting you with local counselors by testing "MAPLE" to the number 1-844-823-5323. This is completely anonymous; the counselor can't see your name or phone number, so you can feel absolutely safe reaching out for help you may need.
Weather-Related Emergency Procedures 

During the school year, there may be times when one or all of the schools may be closed. In most cases, school closures are the result of weather-related conditions. The Northfield Township Superintendents have developed the following guidelines about these closures. Whenever a decision is made to close school or alter the school day, it is based on the general safety conditions for all students and staff. The District recognizes that conditions may vary for each family. If our schools are open and you feel that it is unsafe to send your student to school, please contact the school attendance office, and the student will be given an excused absence.

Parents and students should assume that classes are in session at the standard time unless otherwise notified.

Guidelines for School Closures
Priority on Safety
During periods of inclement weather or in emergency situations, our priority is the safety and welfare of our students and staff. At the same time, the closing of school can be burdensome to families due to childcare and work schedules. We consider canceling school to be an exception, and we emphasize keeping our schools open. Some of the primary factors that are taken into account when making a decision include:

The safety and well-being of students and staff
Severity of the weather (extreme cold, flooding, etc.)
Timing of the weather
The ability of buses and cars to travel safely
The operable condition of our buildings
Making the Decision
The Superintendent of Schools determines when and if conditions at one or more schools warrant canceling or closing school buildings. This decision is typically made in collaboration with the District Administration, other area superintendents, local Village departments, the bus service provider, and the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Northbrook/ Glenview School District 30 works collaboratively with Northfield Township Districts 27, 28, 31, 34, 225, and NSSED on school closings. Because we have many families whose students are enrolled within District 225 and District 30, we seek to be consistent to create the least amount of disruption to our families. This may not always occur, but please be assured it is a priority in our deliberations. If a weather related school building closure occurs, it will be our intent to run an eProfessional Development Day on the first with eLearning Days on any subsequent weather related school building closures instead of canceling school. We don't anticipate using our Emergency Days to make up missed school days as we have in the past.

Data Source: The National Weather Service (NWS at will be the primary meteorological source to determine and declare weather conditions, such as snow forecasts, wind-chill advisory, or wind-chill warnings.

Notification to Our Parents
In the event of a school closing or other emergency, parents can expect to receive an automated phone call, e-mail, and a text. We ask that all parents help to make sure that their contact information is accurate and complete. Please notify your school principal if there are changes to your email address or phone numbers.

School closure decisions will typically be made before 6:00 a.m. the day of closure. This allows weather conditions to be monitored overnight to avoid unnecessary closures. Closure decisions will only be made the night before if conditions are known with a high degree of certainty and warrant closure. Parents should establish contingency plans for possible closures throughout the school year regardless of the season.

Emergency and closing information is also available through the following sources:

School and district websites
The district's social media channels
The following media Sources

Family Discretion
As always, if parents decide that conditions their family face require their student(s) to remain at home, simply inform your school of the absence. Whenever a decision is made to cancel school or to alter the school day, it is based on the general safety conditions for all students and staff. The district recognizes that conditions may vary for each student or family. If you feel that it is unsafe to send your student to school, please contact the school attendance office, and the student will be given an excused absence.

General Information Regarding School Cancelation or School Building Closure
School may be canceled or schools may be closed due to weather conditions or other emergency conditions that create unsafe conditions. School may be canceled for all District 30 school facilities, or for an individual building, as necessary. General guidelines for a closed school include:

All after-school activities and field trips will be canceled unless specifically announced by the school principal.
All student events will be canceled unless specifically announced by the school principal.
Athletic events and practices will be canceled unless specifically announced by the school principal.
PTO events that have event contracts to use district facilities will be canceled unless announced by the school principal.
eProfessional Development Day: An eProfessional Development Day has been planned for all staff that will be utilized for the first weather-related school building closure, should one occur

eLearning Day: After our eProfessional Development Day is utilized, this option will likely be employed if advanced notice of a school building closure occurs. 

Early Dismissal: This option may also be utilized by our schools if weather conditions worsen during the day. If waiting until the end of the day to dismiss students makes it significantly less safe for our students and families, then early dismissal will be implemented.

Severe Cold - Two Possible Outcomes

Wind-Chill Warning - School Buildings Will Be Closed

Definition: A wind-chill warning indicates that life-threatening conditions and a risk to safety exist.  Measures should be taken to safeguard life and property immediately. A wind-chill warning is typically issued when the wind-chill will be -30°F or colder, AND the wind speed is 10 mph or greater, OR the actual temperature is -15° F or colder.

District Action:

In- person classes will be canceled, and school closure protocols will be instituted.
All notification systems will be leveraged to send school cancellation communications to families.
After-school activities will be canceled.
eProfessional Development Day: An eProfessional Development Day has been planned for all staff that will be utilized for the first weather-related school building closure, should one occur

eLearning Day: After our eProfessional Development Day is utilized, this option will likely be employed if advanced notice of a school building closure occurs. 

Wind-Chill Advisory - Schools Will Be Open

Definition: A wind-chill advisory is issued when conditions do not meet the wind-chill warning criteria but still cause significant inconvenience. The weather during a wind-chill advisory is not life-threatening but presents conditions that may result in inconvenience or pose a moderate risk to safety. A wind-chill advisory is typically issued when the wind chill is -20 to -29°F AND wind speed is 10 mph or greater, OR the actual temperature is -5°F to -14°F.

District Action:

Schools will be open for in-person learning, and student attendance is expected.
Fire and Police will be notified before the start of the school day of the Severe Cold Action Day designation.
In the case of a fire alarm, school administrators will be given authority to institute protocols to return students to a safe interior location quickly.
After school activities will be evaluated and may be suspended if conditions persist.
All field trips during the school day will be suspended.
All outside student activities will be suspended.
In preparation for another winter in Chicago, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate weather and other challenges that may develop. Again, we emphasize that student and staff safety remains our highest priority, and we will hold school when the learning environment is safe and productive.

As a reminder, whenever a decision is made to close school or alter the school day, it is based on the general safety conditions for all students and staff. The District recognizes that conditions may vary for each family. If our schools are open and you feel that it is unsafe to send your student to school, please contact the school attendance office, and the student will be given an excused absence.