January 20 Board Brief

January 20 Board Brief

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope this email finds you doing well as we navigate this time together! The last Board of Education Meeting included the following relevant items:


The Board of Education was informed of a short FMLA and approved the temporary change of Julie Meyers from her IA position into a long-term substitute as a Learning Specialist. 

2022-23 Staffing Plan Approved

The Board approved our 2022-23 staffing plan that maintains our class-size standards, assuming normal operations and projecting 63 core sections across the District, down from the 67 core sections that support social distancing, especially in our primary grades. Of course, as we monitor the pandemic, staffing will be adjusted as needs dictate.

Specials staffing will support proposed sections and maintain full-time staff as much as possible. In addition, the District will generate a full-time Communications Coordinator position and add an Assistant Principal at Wescott to support operations with more than 500 students. Finally, Dr. Hirsch noted that our Math/Science Specialist position would evolve to a Math Intervention Specialist to generate more support for our students.

Quest Contract Amendment & Food Service Vehicle Sale Approved

The Board approved the Food Services Contract Third Amendment with Quest Food Management Services, Inc. that extended the food services contract through June 30, 2023, and thereafter in successive one-year periods up to a total of four renewal terms through June 30, 2027. The Board also approved the transfer of the food services vehicle ownership to Quest, who will take over management and liability of the vehicle moving forward.

Willowbrook Playground Improvements Bid Approved

The Board approved the Willowbrook Playground Improvements Bid from Hacienda Landscaping, Inc. for the playground installation and additional asphalt/concrete work at Willowbrook School for $310,500.

Operations Update

The Board shared sincere appreciation for our staff’s commitment, students’ engagement, and parents’ partnership. 

The Board celebrated our high COVID-19 vaccination rates in the area that include:

  • Over 90% of Glenview and Northbrook residents with one shot in the arm and 74.4% and 79.4% fully vaccinated in each village, respectively
  • Over 82% of District 30 students have one shot, with over 76% fully vaccinated
  • Over 99% of staff are fully vaccinated, with 88% vaccinated and boosted (up-to-date on vaccinations), and another 11% plan to do so

The new shortened quarantine and isolation guidance positively impacting operations and attendance were highlighted. The Board also expressed their gratitude for 92% of students and a majority of staff participating in weekly SHIELD testing.

Dr. Wegley also noted and thanked Mr. Falk for pursuing and securing the Illinois State Board of Education’s School Maintenance Program Grant of $50k that will be applied to our Willowbrook Playground Project this summer and FEMA’s $34.6k grant through the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. 

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Summer Curriculum Work Report

Multiple staff members presented their summer curriculum work, which reviewed the current MTSS (Multi-tier System of Support) system and framework. Committee members revamped and identified key steps for teaching staff in the individual problem-solving process. They then created a visual flow chart of MTSS and the individual process. In addition, they updated the D30 Teacher Assistant and MTSS manuals. This information was then shared with both Wescott and Willowbrook Schools at the beginning of the school year in a Tier II/Tier III/Special Education presentation. 

SCIP (Shared Collaborative Imaginative Play) Summer Curriculum Work Report

Committee members defined Shared Imaginative Play. They provided Board members with the SCIP rationale and the goals established as a result of the summer curriculum work. They also provided the Board with a lens into the SCIP 2021-2022 scope and sequence, with a wonderful lesson overview that shared roles, responsibilities, and ties to standards. 

Board Reports

Mrs. Artz reviewed the latest TrueNorth meeting, including usage, strategic planning, and budget updates. Mrs. Blonder shared highlights from our last Character Counts meeting that included celebrating student giving and the Village of Glenview’s recognition of the Character Counts’ poster and video contest winners at their January 18 meeting. We are proud that ten of the 12 winners were District 30 students!

The next Board Meeting will be on February 3, 2022. All are welcome!

Have a great weekend, and let me know if you have any questions!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley