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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - May 29, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - May 29, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

Thank you for your continued support in bringing our year-end events to life for our students as we head into the final few weeks of the school year. We continue to enjoy a terrific school year together! 

We reflect on Memorial Day weekend's meaning with gratitude for all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Of course, we also continue to grieve with Uvalde, Texas. Thank you for your support and kindness to one another. As I mentioned in my email earlier this week, the safety of our students and staff continues to be our top priority. We will continue to be vigilant and remain connected. Our greatest defenses are our partnership, open communication about concerns, and care for each other.  

Included below are a few notes as we continue on this journey:

Local health departments have shifted several local counties, including Cook County, transitioning to the “high transmission” COVID-19 range. With the shift to “High Transmission,” the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH), and the CDC recommend that everyone “wear a well-fitting mask indoors in public, regardless of vaccination status (including in K-12 schools and other indoor community settings).” We encourage following health department advice and continue to leave that decision up to individual families. We will operate as normally as possible with everyone’s partnership.

Thank you for taking reasonable precautions, including roughly 85% of our students who continue to engage in our weekly SHIELD testing, and for remaining in touch with our nurses when COVID-19 symptoms emerge. Your partnership continues to keep our schools operating successfully. Thank you!

I hope that this Memorial Day weekend brings meaningful time with your family!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley