Board of Education
Top, left to right, Dr. Stephanie Yohannan and Patrick Wang, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Emily Tammaru, and Zivit Blonder.
Bottom, left to right, Pamela Manicioto, Board President Jeff Zuercher, Vice President Ammar Rizki, and Keith Karchmar.
The Board of Education consists of seven members elected from the general public to serve the entire Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 Community. The Board of Education provides governance for the District by hiring and evaluating the superintendent and approving a budget, policies, and goals that align with the District's strategic plan.
Board members participate in governance through regularly scheduled board and committee meetings, which are posted and open to the public. Board of Education meetings are held at one of the schools twice a month during October, February, April, and June. Meetings are held once a month in August, September, November, December, January, March, May, and July.
Meeting activities include the creation and approval of policies for the operation of the schools, employment of the staff, adopting and monitoring the annual budget, adopting the annual tax levy, discussing and authorizing curriculum development and otherwise supervising and directing the operation of the District. Board members also represent the District in civic and other organizations throughout the District 30 community.Throughout the year the Board of Education members also enjoy recognizing and honoring student and staff achievements during meetings. There are opportunities for public comment at each board meeting.