Maple PTO

How the PTO works

The Maple PTO relies solely on volunteer support from parents, teachers and the community at large to plan and execute a variety of events throughout the year. The PTO is led by a seven person executive committee that is nominated and elected by the school community. Committees are led by co-chairs, and range from fundraising to educational enrichment to social activities. Committees rely on the volunteer time and talents of our general membership, comprising parents and teachers.

How to get involved

No matter if you have a lot of time or a little time to spare, the PTO – and the student community – can benefit from your help. Of course, we are always in need of leaders who can mobilize a team and oversee key programs. But, many of our programs simply need a few hours of your time a year. If you have special talents – fundraising expertise, communications skills, artistic talent, financial acumen – we can use your guidance and expertise.

You also are welcome and encouraged to attend our PTO meetings. Our principal, Samuel Kurtz, and assistant principal, Ms. Angela Jaeger, attend our meetings and provide perspective. Meeting topics center on school news, social events and volunteer opportunities.

We look forward to working together as a community to best serve Maple School. If you have any questions or want to get involved, please do not hesitate to email Danielle Pollack & Anna Matuszewska PTO Co-Presidents at